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Horticultural Specimen Bench

All exhibits are judged under the Horticultural Specimens Standards of The Royal Horticultural Society of NSW Inc.  The judge’s decision is final. Please use the vases supplied at the meeting to stage your exhibits.


Points to consider when staging your cut flowers, potted plants and vegetables on the show bench


Always refer to the R.H.S of NSW Inc.  Standards Handbook


The RHS welcomes any comments and are happy to answer any questions

Please feel free to copy and paste this and distribute it to all your members.

1.         First, read the schedule several times.

2.         Choose which classes you wish to enter.

3.         Choose the plant material you wish to enter.

4.         Decide when to pick your blooms / foliage / or vegetables, (late afternoon or early morning the day of the show).

5.         Only exhibit good quality blooms/ foliage or vegetables without disease or blemishes.

6.         When setting up your exhibits make sure you plug the vase very tight with newspaper to hold the bloom or foliage in the best position for the judge to view.

7.         Remember 1 or 3 cuts refers to the correct number of stems counted at the top rim of the container.

8.         Vegetables should be fresh without any blemishes, it is a good idea to place leaf vegetables such as spinach, silver beet in a large container of water to help                      prolong its life on the show bench.

9.         All vegetables e.g. Pumpkin, Tomatoes and Marrows; fruit e.g. Citrus, Apples and Passionfruit must be shown with stalks on them.

10.       Spinach, silver beet and rhubarb should be pulled from the plant not cut.

11.       When showing potted plants make sure the plant is free of disease and the pot is clean, remove any damaged foliage or blooms.

12.       Always remember the judge’s decision is final.     



Limit of two entries per class per member.


Class 1. 1 Garden Rose
Class 2. 1 vase 3 cuts miniature Roses NND
Class 3. 1 cut Geranium or Pelargonium with foliage attached
Class 4. 1 cut or bloom NOS
Class 5. 1 vase Flowers - 3 cuts NND
Class 6. 1 vase Foliage - 3 cuts NND
Class 7. 3 cuts of flowering shrub, tree or climber NND - NOS
Class 8. 5 cuts of Pansies or Violas
Class 9. 1 cut of bulb,corm, tuber or rhizome
Class 10. 1 vegetable unit
Class 11. 1 fruit unit

Class 12. 5 cuts of Herbs NND

Class 13. 3 cuts of single leafe foliage, Distinct

Class 14. 1 vase 3 cuts flowering Australian native/hybrid tree, shrub or climber NND - NOS

Plants in containers:

Class 15. 1 Orchid in flower
Class 16. 1 flowering plant
Class 17. 1 foliage plant or plants
Class 18. 1 cactus or succulent
Class 19. 1 cactus or succulent garden
Class 20. 1 container of fern or ferns



Limit of two entries per class per member.

Class 1. 1 Garden Rose
Class 2. 1 cut Geranium or Pelargonium with foliage attached
Class 3. 1 Vase of flowers - 3 cuts NND
Class 4. 3 Camellia flowers
Class 5. 1 Camellia flower
Class 6. 1 vase of foliage - 3 cuts NND
Class 7. 1 cut or bloom
Class 8. 1 cut of bulb, cormtuber or rhizome
Class 9. 1 cut of flowering Australian native/hybrid tree, shrub or climber - NOS
Class 10. 3 cuts of flowering shrub, tree or climber - NOS
Class 11. 5 cuts of Pansies or Violas
Class 12. 5 cuts of Herbs NND
Class 13. 1 vegetable unit

Class 14. 1 fruit unit

Plants in Containers:

Class 15. 1 Orchid in Flower
Class 16. 1 Flowering plant/s - Distinct
Class 17. 1 Foliage Plant/s - Distinct
Class 18. 1 cactus or succulent
Class 19. 1 cactus or succulent garden
Class 20. 1 container of fern or ferns

For further information relating to The RHS of NSW Inc. annual Show Specimen Schedule or the monthly competition, please contact:
Kim Hamilton

0448 249 200

RHS NSW Established  1862

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