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Our Establishment

The Royal Horticultural Society of New South Wales Inc. was first established in 1862.  Being one of the oldest horticultural societies in Australia, the RHS of NSW Inc. has been involved in maintaining horticultural and floral art standards for most horticultural, agricultural and floral art shows in NSW.  The Society’s Specimen Standards book and Floral Art Show Guide are used as the basis for most exhibiting in NSW.


Since its establishment in 1862 the Patron of the Society has been the current Governor of New South Wales.  The Society is a not-for-profit association and produces an annual floral/horticultural display at the annual Sydney Royal Easter Show.  The Society is also actively involved with other events during the year.



The Society’s Patron is Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO KC, the 39th Governor of New South Wales sworn in on Thursday 2 May 2019.


Each Governor of the State of NSW has been the Society’s Patron since 1862 and we welcome Her Excellency.


Governor of NSW 2019.jpg

Follow us ONLINE

The RHS of NSW Inc. now has a Facebook page!  Please click to keep up to date

Join us in our monthly meeting

The Society meets on the Fourth Wednesday of most months at St John's Anglican Church Hall, corner Chapman Ave and Beecroft Rd, Beecroft.

Affiliate RHS Special Events

Do you want to plan well ahead for your garden show attendances? Well here are some events that may be of interest to you!

RHS NSW Established  1862

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